Story of Parth, a graduate of Linguage Japanese Language School

Listen to the story of Parth, a graduate of Lingage Japanese Language School.

Voices from Students

Voices from Students

Introducing the voices of students
who have learned business Japanese at Linguage Japanese School.
Listen to our Linguagemates about learning and various supports
at Linguage Japanese Language School.

Voices from students・Parth 1

I still continued to study Japanese diligently
with the same passion every day.


Major:CommerceClothing company

Q1: What motivated you to study Japanese?

I wanted to study Japanese more after watching Japanese anime. I began to watch Japanese dramas and movies, including anime, and started studying Japanese. After studying in Japan, my interest in Japan and Japanese culture deepened.

Q2: What is the most impressive piece of advice you received from a teacher at Linguage Japanese Language School?

I received a lot of advice from my teachers, but one piece of advice in particular has had a profound impact on my life: "Practice makes perfect" and "Even the longest journey begins with the first step". I have been able to study Japanese without missing a single day of school thanks to this advice. Thanks to this advice, I was able to study Japanese every day without missing a day of school. It is true that I failed to pass the JLPT N2 because I was only 3 points short, but I still continued to study Japanese diligently with the same passion every day.

Voices from students・Parth 2

Q3: Message to those with a dream of "I want to work in Japan"

My message to those who have decided to study in Japan and gain new experiences is, "Don't give up". You have to be confident, grit your teeth more, and move forward. If you really want to learn, I want you to do your best with the goal in mind that you will be able to do it. Please strongly believe that the more you study Japanese every day, the closer you will get to your goal, the more confident you will become, and the easier your life in Japan will become. So, please study Japanese as hard as you can every day. I wish you all the best.